All the way from Portland, Oregon to Music City's Nashville, Tennessee, Ani Bani is making waves in the industry with her catchy hooks, mellow tones, and ever-evolving sound. What started as a passion for songwriting quickly turned into successful, all-out music career. To put it simply, Ani is anything but ordinary.
By day, you'll likely find her writing smash hits for popular television series and blockbusters. But by night, she's most likely in the studio recording pop tracks for fans of all ages to sing along to.
As an artist, Ani encompasses so much more than just music. She's also a beloved social media presence. With over 7,000 followers on Instagram alone, Ani is influencing people around the world with her images, words, and mesmerizing story!
Ani is currently working on her third studio album, and the records on it are set to be the upbeat, evolutionary successors of those tracks found on her previous albums, "Barefoot & Young" and "Dream." Her latest album "Bones" will be released in the Summer of 2016.